Monday, December 31, 2012

The natural order...

Thank goodness that older people can not have children!  The natural order works in this case.  My nephew is visiting and that has convinced me that a meager retirement income cannot support a teenager.  I bought a gallon of milk and two boxes of shredded wheat, which normally lasts two weeks in my house.  Can you say two DAYS?!!  And when did shoes get to be the size of a small yacht?  Which also makes me wonder why teenage boys now are so "into" shoes.  I sure don't remember this from my teenage days.

Jack Lemmon, Walter Mathau, Ann-Margaret - unknown to my nephew and his girlfriend.  Of course, they weren't born when Grumpy Old Men was filmed. 

Speaking of youth, how about those Redskins?  Neither RGIII nor Alfred Morris were around the last time the Redskins were on top.  Two 22 and 24 year old young men have enlivened this city at least for a few days.  They did so with skill and grace.  Redskins 28/Cowboys 18  

HOMELAND  I don't get the Showtime channel (meager retirement income, remember?), so missed out on this unbelievable series.  The DVD is circulating among my friends, though, and it is blowing me away.  I won't give out any hints, except to say that surprises abound.  What a great way to spend the holidays--in bed watching a great show, drinking red wine, and being glad I don't permanently have teenagers living with me.

Have a great New Year's!

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