Friday, December 21, 2012

Are you kidding me?!!!

Now the NRA supporters are saying that teachers should pack heat!  Are you kidding me?  How would this have helped at Newtown when this kid had an assault weapon?  He had killed the kids and the staff in a few minutes.  Or maybe ALL of the teachers and principal should pack weapons?

In yesterday's Fareed Zaharia had a great op ed on gun control:

Fareed Zakaria, The solution to gun violence is clear - explains the homicide rates in countries with strict gun control compared to the rates in the U.S..  It is staggering.  Last year we had around 11,000 homicides by gun.  In contrast, according to this article, other industrialized nations had:

England and Wales - .3% of our rate
Australia - our rate is 30 times theirs

Zakarai goes on to discuss the other explanations that have been given for our murder rate - 

  • mental health - if this is why our numbers are so high then we should have 30 times the mentally ill as Australia, but we don't
  • video games - if this were the reason, Japan, which is a video game culture, would have our rate or close to it.  Rather they have a close to ZERO percent.
Read the article.  It is very thought provoking.

1 comment:

  1. I heard on the DR show that the United States has more deaths each year from gun shots, than all the people who have ever been killed by terrorist, since they've been recording "terrorist".
