Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 100 - State of the Union

This shows me how much I learned from civics class.  I thought the State of the Union Address was given after 100 days in office, but having just checked with the authority on the subject - Wikipedia, I find I am wrong.  I'm not changing the title of my blog, though, because I can't think of anything better.

My friend said yesterday that she figures if she does one new thing a month for the rest of her life, she will have 240 things to do.  As I am planning on more than 20 more years (I'm sure she will, too), that means that I have time for maybe 300 new things.  It is overwhelming.  Overwhelming because in my usual way of thinking it means 300 new things like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro   I've been thinking about the retirement years for 100 days and I am no closer to even my list of 100 things to do, much less 300!  Our other friend said that something "new" could be baking cinnamon rolls if you've never done that before.  Somehow, this just doesn't seem like something to which to aspire.  So I baked biscotti this week.  Does this count?

Civil War new interest is the Civil War and I missed a crucial re-enactment yesterday in Fredericksburg, VA.  Can't believe my friend, The Lass, did not tell me about this, but also can't believe that I did not realize there are all kinds of re-enactments going on this year.  My goal is to get to one of them---maybe Petersburg Battlefield.

100 days - I was hoping it would be a more auspicious day with lots more to talk about regarding retirement, but it isn't.  It has been a great 100 days filled with bathroom renovations, decorating, baking, jewelry making, and lots of time with friends.  On the other hand, isn't this sort of what I said I would be doing the first few months?  It is hard to be an over-achiever when you are trying to scale it back.

Electricity went off last night so I did not get to post this.  

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