Saturday, December 22, 2012

One smile a day this awful week.....

This week has bummed me out along with everyone else in the United States.  One thing has brought a smile to my lips every morning- Bucky Katt and Satchel Pooch.  Bucky the cross-eyed Siamese cat will take on anyone, even though he is only 20 inches tall standing up right.  This week he is studying children's day time TV characters.

Lass, you are my only reader who seems to get this, so if for no one else, thanks to the Washington Post comic pages, this is for you.

If only all our arguments were this easy.  Have a great holiday, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Good ones!! I think I'm more of a Bucky fan. He reminds me of Ming with his single fang. Makes me wish our fur babies could speak.
