Thursday, December 6, 2012

Becca's Briefs - December 6

Penn State Sorority Mocks Latinos - Really?  I'm just not sure how much more there is to say.  In defense of the "girls" this was a Mexican-themed party [reported the  independent college blog, Onward State] but I am concerned that this is all that Penn State college girls might know about Mexico.  Not much to say for their education.   I wonder if the Asian young lady on the left would have liked it as much if this were aimed at her family and ancestors.  It makes me wonder about holding a Penn State pedophile-themed party.  That would be funny.  Really.

Please Please Please - Purdue and UNC-Chapel Hill - don't do anything like this to embarrass me.

Update on U.N. Treaty on Disabilities

Daily Show  John Stewart had a great segment on the U.N. Disability Treaty vote.  I LOVE THIS GUY and wish I could write 1/10th as well as he does.  You've got to watch this segment as he points out the idiocy of this most recent vote.  

Not to be outdone, if you have the time, watch the Colbert Report segment (towards the end of the episode).  Colbert has a great quote in relation to the vote against the U.N. treaty:  "paranoid fantasy has long been the key weapon to fighting the specter of accomplishment."  I think that just about sums up what we have in Congress right now.  

Please excuse the movie trailer that accompanies these two clips!  

It is Day 97 of retirement - cleaning the house and putting final touches on my Xmas luncheon tomorrow.  The biscotti from yesterday are in the freezer, I'm making labels for the canning jars, and life is good.  I am hoping that my Zumba partner sticks around for a while after she retires this month so that we can get back into it!

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