Tuesday, December 11, 2012

DAY 102 - The retiree's life.....

Being a retiree is not that exciting, at least not every day.  I don't want to quit writing this blog, but really, I don't have that much to say some times.  I hope you don't mind my recounting things I see on TV or read in the paper.

I don't often agree with Richard Cohen a conservative columnist in the Washington Post, but today's editorial really hit me.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to think that someone would think this highly of you?  Cohen writes of his love for Mona Ackerman, his love for many years.  She died recently of ovarian cancer.  

He writes:  "I had what I called “Mona Moments” — bursts of intense love. They could make me gasp, even go a bit weak in the knees. (Ya think it doesn't happen?) She’d ask me what she had said — what had done it? I rarely knew. I watched her have a similar effect on others. She was adored. She glowed."  

I find it very refreshing that he could bare his soul so fully in public.  Mona must have been some woman. 

Body Pump - I got to the 6:00 AM class again today.  The other pumpers seem to be getting much younger.  I made it through, adding a bit more weight, but still not up to my previous weights.  Sherry made all of us commit to returning next week.  I'll do it.

Jewelry - I'm making three necklaces for the Silver Streak out of pearls and gold balls from her mother.  I want to do something really "out there" but don't have the exact idea yet.  In the mean time, I am making Christmas earrings.  I'm kind of proud of these.

Parties.  I had a luncheon/champagne drinking event last week with a few friends from work.  Thursday I am hosting "high tea" with The Lass and another friend from work.  Saturday is my annual Christmas dinner with eight of us (I only have eight seats at my table!)  The joke is that someone needs to die to get an invitation to this dinner.  This year it will be an old fashioned dinner complete with ham and green bean casserole (!).  I've been decorating the whole house so want to have as many social events here as possible.

After the New Year, life will get more exciting.  I promise.

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