Thursday, December 6, 2012

Being truthful about retirment

This will be a short post.  Just got back home from dinner and drinks with old work friends....I DO MISS this part of working.  I love retirement, but will not lie to those of you who are contemplating it... I miss the gossip, the strategizing, the intrigue.  I miss the discussions of how to solve a problem, how to work around those at the top, how to work through the bureaucracy.  It is great being your own boss at home, but very difficult to diss the boss when it is YOU.  I"m giving myself until January to come up with something to do that makes me feel like I am contributing beyond a clean house and pretty decorations.  A great evening.


  1. You could always do that book you have been talking about for now.

  2. My sentiments, exactly. I've been retired a year and a half. However, as much as I want to continue to contribute to the well being of others, I'm beginning to jealously guard my freedom to set my own schedule and answer to no one. Some of my friends have jumped into volunteer positions that are as demanding as their work was. You might want to spend more time doing what you enjoy before taking on a commitment. Dolly
