Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 101 - Woe Is Me.....

 I LOVE Satchel the Pooch because he is so naive and just so lovable.  Isn't that last pane just so dog-like?  "I'll just stand here until you need me"....and so often we do need them.

Today was day 101 and I am starting to worry about what I'll do after the first of the year when the holiday decorating, cooking, partying and gift giving are over.  Gave the old "woe is me" speech to Friend.  I'm pretty sure she is getting tired of hearing it.  Anyway, she told me about Warren Buffett's son, Howard Buffett's plan to end hunger in this country.  Can you believe that we have so much hunger? or any?  Just in case you don't read the article I linked to, read just this:

Buffett in Parade magazine, December 2012:  "Last year I attended a Thanksgiving dinner at Harris Elementary School right here in Decatur, where I learned that 92 percent of the kids are on free or reduced-cost lunches. I spoke with some parents who told me that school lunch is the best meal their kids get all day. That shocked me because the school sits in a community that has the largest food-processing facility in the world for corn and the second largest for soybeans; 1,500 to 2,000 train cars roll out of those plants and through these kids' neighborhoods every day. The irony of that is unbelievable."

Kind of hard to be "woe is me" when we have these kinds of problems.  So, Friend is going to research what she and I might do to serve in some form to support ending hunger.  More on this later.

I'm also going to start "Blackbelt Spanish" in January.  I'm declaring this now and in public because I DREAD IT.  If some one asked me whether I would study brain surgery or a language, I'd definitely choose the brain surgery.  I am just not good in languages, but given that I married the Silver Tongued Latin Lover and live in a very diverse community, isn't it about time?  I'll certainly have lots of opportunity for practice.  More on this later, also.  Maybe I'll be shamed into doing it.

My Techie Friend also reminded me that I had not started on those photo books.  Actually, I've made two - one from my retirement party and one from the trip to Italy, but he is right that I've not started the old photos that need scanning.  Mark that one down for after the holidays.  I need to get a scanner he suggested first.  My excuse is I'm waiting until after all the Christmas expenses to buy the scanner.  Shame may kick me in the butt on this one, too.

Day 102 tomorrow - I think it is going to be a great one.

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