Thursday, December 13, 2012

DAY 103 - OPM meets the mark

OPM OPM OPM   It is day 103 and OPM has completed my full retirement action.  I got a deposit today in my bank account for the bit that they had not paid me for the first three months and checking with OPM Services Online was able to see what my first full check will look like on January 1, 2013.  With all the bad news about OPM and the backup on retirement actions, I must say, this is pretty quick.  I believe that my two friends who retired last year waited about 8 months for their first full check.  Way to go, OPM!

Please note those of you who will be retiring that you MUST adjust your taxes yourself via OPM Services Online.  The taxes being taken from my check were much too low.  Also initially state taxes are not taken out.  Once you get your full payments, you can add in those taxes.  It is not a fun thing to do, but it has to be done.

I have also calculated how much I will require to make up the difference between my "meager retirement income" and my expenses.  I have completed the paperwork to  have funds from my life's savings transferred to my checking account each month.  There also, I am having taxes taken out before I get the money.  Will report on how this is going in a few months.  Right now, I am getting a quarterly allotment based on what I think I'll need to cover monthly bills.  I've also set up a monthly payment to an account to cover annual bills like car insurance so that I don't get any big surprises.

Had dinner with old friends from the Department last night.  Half of the group were retired and the other (younger) half were still working.  ALL of those retired seemed very happy with our circumstances.  One is spending quality time with her mom who is battling severe memory loss, one is a volunteer chaplain at a local hospital who works with families dealing with death, one continues to teach music lessons, has a 96 year old mom still living with her (great genes!), and appears to be travelling monthly, and the honoree of the dinner continues to do things for everyone.  It was so great to see everyone and my Christmas tree earrings were a hit.  I gave the pair I had on to one friend at the table and will deliver another pair today.

No one seems to get my humor, but I am going to torture you with Get Fuzzy until someone admits it.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ment to say the earings are very nice. After christmas you could ware the fishing. Little green sparkely fish.
