Friday, December 21, 2012

You can't go home

I was talking to my dad last night.  He is 90 and still working.  He retired when he was 62, just like me, but hated it.  I told him that in 110 days of retirement, there have only been two when I wondered if I were going to be bored.  I never really regretted retiring, but just wondered if I had it in me to come up with my own "work" for the next 25-30 years.  It is something to think about for those of you who are considering it.  I still feel like it will work out for me.

Starting in January, I'll be taking art classes one day a week, Spanish lessons (if I can get myself to bite the bullet and do it), and working at a soup kitchen one day.  Each of these are only about three hours a day, but on a retiree's schedule, that can extend to a full day...we move a lot more slowly, you know.  HAHAHAHA

I'm also going to ratchet up the exercise.  Friend and I will go back to body pump twice weekly and I want to take yoga again.  My dancing friend who is retiring swears she will take Zumba with me again.   So, today, I'm thinking it's going to work out.

You can't go home....the inspiration for this post.  I made my first visit to my old workplace for a Christmas party.  I liked seeing everyone, but it was obvious that they've moved on as have I.  In these three short months, I have lost my curiosity with the goings on of the offices.  They in turn have new "subject matter experts (SMEs)"--- and I'm not on the cutting edge any longer.  I will keep in touch with people who've become friends over the years, but likely not with a lot of people.  That is life.

Right now, I'm preparing myself for at trip home to visit my family.  It will be a nice visit at the holidays, but also stressful as I anticipate some issues with elderly parents.  I've been so lucky to have them for so long, but still dread the future.  That also is life.

More on how this all turns out later........

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