Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Becca's Briefs - December 5, 2012

Notre Dame!  Don't you remember Penn State?  I was blown away this morning by an article in the Post - Why I won’t be cheering for old Notre Dame.  Can it possibly be true that two separate incidents involving FOOTBALL players and rape have been swept under the rug at this prestigious Catholic university?  Say it ain't so.  Read it for yourselves and if you know something that isn't in this article that makes it better, PLEASE tell me.  This is so upsetting.  

Senate rejects treaty to protect disabled around the world  Another article I just don't understand.  The vote was to sign on to the United Nation's treaty that is modeled after the Americans with Disabilities Act.  We are the model for the world on treatment of people with disabilities!    HOW can we be afraid that the United Nations will limit home schooling through this treaty?  Really?  

"He (former congressman Rick Santorum) and other conservatives argued that the treaty could relinquish U.S. sovereignty to a U.N. committee charged with overseeing a ban on discrimination and determining how the disabled, including children, should be treated. They particularly worried that the committee could violate the rights of parents who choose to home school their disabled children.

“This is a direct assault on us,” Santorum said."  [Is the man paranoid or what?] 

No less than Senator Bob Dole and George H.W. Bush showed up for the voting to encourage approval of the treaty to protect the rights of people with disabilities around the world, and the right wing still voted against this treaty.  PLEASE tell me something that will make this article not so upsetting!

Pope gets a Twitter Account.  So now the Pope has a Twitter account - "Pontifex" is his handle.  A representative said that he would not be following others on Twitter, "he would be followed."  That make sense.

I spent the rest of the day trying to get it all out of my mind---cooking biscotti and making jewelry.  Day 96 of my retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Can I send the Pope a twitter if I were to follow him? I'd love to tell him what I think of him.

    Republican Vote: They have never heard much less read the book Planethood, which Eisenhower was widely quoted in. The U.N. is their unwillingness to accept a united world for the common good.

    Oh yeah... could a Catholic Institution possibly be covering up pedophilia or pederasty?

