Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I hate to admit this, but for all of the years I've lived and breathed (62), attended Catholic school (12) and read (57), apparently I've just skipped over words I didn't know the meaning of.  Technology has caught up with me and my errant ways in the form of the Kindle where I need only press my finger onto a word and the definition pops up.  Oh the shame of the ever increasing number of words that have received my finger (the index finger, that is, not the middle one).  The latest is "chimerical" - according to Webster's this means "existing only as the product of unchecked imagination:  fantastically visionary or improbable."  

This revelation has inserted itself into my thinking about myself.  In what other arenas do I fake it, pretend to understand something, pretend to care about something or pretend I am going to do something?  One resolution for 2013 is to BE there, to give the finger, as it were, to any words, actions, emotions, statements in my life.  I promise myself NOT to skip over the hard parts, or the opportunities to learn or give something.  Now, I ask you, is this chimerical of me?

That is your new word for the day and a good thought.  

1 comment:

  1. fantastically visionary or improbable... I've always thought this phrase exemplifies my life, the "fantastically visionary or improbable" becomes a wonderful arena for exploring ways to bring imagination to life in magical ways. It's a really fun journey. I must be a Chimera!
