Monday, December 3, 2012

Becca's Briefs

This is my second post today.  That's just how it goes when you are retired.  Maybe you do nothing for several days, then two or three things pop in your head.  The Post had lots of articles that interested me and I must share.  NOTE:  Never go round to posting the blog yesterday.  This is also something about di da...I'll wait until tomorrow.

Navy Dolphins Lose Their Jobs to Robots  I love dolphins, I hope that PETA doesn't have a stand against them working for the Navy, and I found this article so much fun.  The Navy has 80 dolphins trained to track down mines.  Isn't that mind-blowing?  Now, 24 of them are losing their jobs to robots!  Don't worry, they are not going on un-employment, but will be guarding our ports instead.

My how times have changed and for the better.  I hope the rest of the U.S. can catch up with the military!

A promise to a friend.  Michelle Singletary's column today was terrific.  I'm not suggesting that all of you run out and try this, but it is sobering to think about what will be left behind when you are gone.  I know one of my friends visited an elderly lady's (she was a retired government employee) apartment years ago and was horrified that the woman had stacked everywhere the mugs and other handouts we all get (or used to get) from conferences.  She pretty much vowed then not to let her place get cluttered.  I think Michelle's friend had the right idea.  Read the article.

Kaiser Permanente - This was not an article, but an ad in the Post.  KP was awarded five stars (out of five) by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid for its medicare program.  I love Kaiser and have been a member for almost 20 years.  Can't say enough good things about my care and my doctors.  Good going KP!


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