Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trento to Pescheria - 33 miles

OMG.  What a day.  The rain cleared up, we got an early start because we had to be at Riva de Garda not later than 2:00 to catch a 2:55 ferry from the north of Lake Garda to Pescheria where we would be staying the night.  Our maps said that this was the one "difficult" day with hills, so we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time.   We needed it!

It took almost 30 minutes to find the bike trail out of Trento.  I love Italy, but unlike the German portion of Italy that we just left, the trails are not well mared in this section.  We finally got on the trail, but Friend got her shoelace caught in her bike chain while crossing a bridge with a VERY strong wind.  She made the split second decision that it was her or the map.  so, we were without a map for the total of the day.

We were stoppinig folks on the side walks for directions, but unfortunately it seemed that every one of them gave us the wrong direction and it was UP HILL.  The last time we were SO CLOSE to Lake Garda and a very nice gentleman said to go right, up the hill for short while and then down all the way.  Unfortunately, had we gone around him, we could have gone down straightway.  Instead, all three of us started up the hill (18 degree grade), Motorbike made it ahead of me, I made it a bit of the way and then walked, and Friend had the sense to ask a cyclist who told us we were going the wrong way.  We finally got onto the right path and our reward was Lago de Garda (see photo).  what a wonderful sight to see.

By 1:55 we got to the ferry and saw all of our fellow riders already enjoying beer, wine and food.  We had made it, celebrated with a Radler, beer and coke light.

Frankly, I'm too tired to tell much more except to say that all three of us are very bruised after today's ride and looking forward to an easy ride to Montua tomorrow.

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