Friday, September 14, 2012

Peschira to Mantova - 33 miles

The last day of biking and it was wonderful.  We were so tired last night from the horrific hills that we did not get up until 0800.  Had a great breakfast with two cups of cappocino.  I give points to the "German" part of Italy for their great bread.  I'm not sure why Italian bread is so dry, but it is.  The yogurt was still good as was the "blood orange juice."  That dark red juice is delicious.

We spent most of the day with a small river to our left and fields to the right.  Not sure what they were for sure, but we think some of them were rice.  We stopped in Soave (which i thought was the Soave where Soave wine is made).  Found out that we were not in the "wine" Soave village.  However, we found a terrific restaurant that served the local specialty - ravioli with pumpkin.  I can't say I really would order it again, but it was interesting.  Sort of like a pumpkin pie in pasta.   Doesn't sound that great does it?
Mantova Enoteca - Happy Hour!

We arrived in Mantova after the great lunch.  We are right near the train station, not a great hotel, but okay.  We walked about 3 or 4 miles through the city.  It is a beautiful old city with many buildings from the 500s.  Of course, then we found a great "enoteca" - wine bar.  Friend has a gift for this! 

We gave up our bikes today.  I'm feeling free after 180 miles of biking.  All of us are very bruised, although I am the least bruised.  The other two have major bruises, which if seen by someone not familiar with our trip, might prompt us to be reported to protective services.  We are feeling proud of what we've done over the last seven days.  Somehow we made it up the hills, were able to find great food, and re-learned how to order red and white wine.

We are missing CNN (American version), eating dinner when we want to - dinners don't start until 7:00 or 7:30 ---.  Although I love the food here, I am getting tired of the great bread, cheese and ham for breakfast and the European coffee.  I'm getting kind of ready to have "american coffee."

I sure wish I had some other clothes, too.  Although I brought what I wanted to bring, I am already tired of it.  As with most trips, I could easily burn everything in the suitcase.  I miss the Big Bang theory and the hard copy of the Washington Post.

mille grazie per tutti! 

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