Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bassano del Grappa, Tezze sul Brenta and Marostica

Bassano del Grappa - one of my favorite cities in Italy and very near my Italian family the Lagos.  We made a quick trip over to Bassano this morning.  Not a problem getting there at all on the A4 autostrada.   We stopped for a beer, Radler and a coke light, some shopping in the food and grappa stores, and a great stroll through the town.  I'm pretty sure my companions loved this city as much as I do.

NOTE TO SELF/OTHER TRAVELERS:  If you come upon a stoop down toilet (you'll know what I mean when you see it), pull your pants down and up towards your front.  sounds weird, but you'll know if you do it wrong!

From Bassano a very quick drive to Tezze sul Brenta the home of the Lago family.  They were all there when we arrived with a fantastic spread of Italian food ready for us.
 This is Roberto and me.  He is the youngest of the brothers and the father of Elena and Stefania.  He is also the cook of the family dinners.  We had salad and spaghetti.  Then Roberto grilled chicken, ribs and sausages in the oversized fireplace in the family's cantina.  Super.  We ended the meal with Asiago cheese, tarts, coffee and grappa.  I love this family like they are my own.  I have been visiting with them for over 34 years.
Angelo - the oldest of these brothers.  Haven't seen him for several years and in the interim I believe he has lost his sight---but not his good humor.

Now, some of the real notes from these travelers' adventures:

1.  Italian coffee espresso pots - water goes in the bottom, coffee in the middle.  Turn the heat up high, but once it starts boiling and the coffee begins moving to the top of the pot, turn the heat DOWN.  Or be ready to wipe up the coffee.

2.  European washing machines.  Basically, just forget them.  Friend started a load of wash last night and 2 and a half hours later the machine was still going.  In all, she had about ten items in the machine mostly underwear but could not get the machine to stop or to let her remove the clothing.  Not sure how these machines are supposed to be efficient or eco-friendly.

3.  FINALLY - Just because you can get somewhere doesn't mean that you can get back! especially if you are living in the "old" part of town that is one small street after the other.  If lost, follow the "CENTRO" signs to get into the downtown, then pray someone can speak english and give you directions.  It does't hurt to have someone driving who is not scared and a navigator with a pretty good sense of direction.  The best idea is to know the exit FROM the autostrada.  If at all possible, get an American version of the map or get a GPS (SOMEONE in this group didn't think we needed one.)

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca,

    I am so enjoying your journey through Italy! Makes me yearn for retirement...oh wait...don't think Zona will let me for quite a while!

    Keep up the great blog posts!
