Sunday, September 23, 2012

Celebrating with Friends


 I’ve been so busy the last few days, but finally had a chance to look at the photos from the retirement ceremony.  They blew me away.  Not only was the photographer fabulous --- a friend from work---not a professional!, but just seeing all of the people who came.  That day, I was kind of in a daze.  I didn’t even realize everyone who attended.  Just wanted to post some of my favorite pictures.

This is supposed to be me on my bike.  Other than the skinny legs---I think it looks like me.

Wonderful Colleagues

How did I get such a handsome Colonel?  I'll never tell.
The Party Planners and Great Friends
Old Friends
A crazy crowd
My family
Leaders in my field/Great Friends

What can I say?

My long time roommate and leadership.

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