Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 3 - Am I seeing the Future?

It is Labor Day, so officially, I guess it is not my first work day when I am not working.  Regardless, I think I am facing my Future.... the Boys (my two dogs) have begun to realize that their feeding machine will be home a lot more often.  That being who walks behind them and picks up their poop is still here.  This picture pretty much says it all, and it is scary!  Those eyes following my every move, the clicking of the toe nails (theirs) on the hardwood floors,  the noses sniffing LOUDLY on the other side of the bathroom door when I try to have a few moments alone with my newspaper, the pleading look for the small bit of food I am savoring for breakfast....when will it end?!  If my future blogs begin to sound like I am having a paranoid breakdown, someone come and save me.  I love the Boys, but I need my space. 

Actually, I understand that several friends are taking bets on how long I last with this blog and without working.  I'm getting in on it because I am not quitting this blog, and I am not going back to work full-time.  I hope they are not taking bets on part-time work, however, because I'll be seeking that out in the future.  Never said I was going to sit in a rocker all day.  But for today, my task will be to sort out gifts and write thank you cards.  Then in the afternoon, I'm going with Motorbike and Honky Tonk to see Moonrise Kingdom.  

Colonel  retired two weeks before I did.  His advice was to have 2-3 hours per day for activities (meaning work around the house!) and give yourself the rest of the day.  I like that advice and will start with it today.  I've got to get away from the four staring eyes.  


1 comment:

  1. Funny!! My 3 are the same.. I can't go to the loo by myself when I'm home during the week day. Enjoy the movie! I think the Gunner and I are going to see The Avengers today for our anniversary. :)
