Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Announcing Becca's Briefs

The graphic of Robert Griffin in the Post this morning blew me away.  I don't know anything about football, but I've heard so much about this guy and then the graphic.  Love it!!  Wish I could create art like this.  Anyway, it made me realize that I am going to miss coming into the office each morning and regaling my poor colleagues on what I read in the Post that morning.  SOOOOOOOO.....

I've decided that perhaps I should copy the Pentagon's Early Bird, a compilation of the day's news available only from military computers.  Thus I am announcing the launch of Becca's Briefs (not my underwear but my briefs of the news of the morning).

Becca's Briefs - September 5, 2012

Washington Post, September 5, 2012
I wish I had the answer to what's happening in Syria, but surely this little boy deserves to grow up, play ball in the streets, marry and have children of his own IN PEACE.

Plant is a boon for N.C., ... a lesson for candidates   A great story about Siemen's opening a plant in North Carolina, not China or India.  

Favorite Quote of the Day:  Governor O'Malley (D, MD):  "How much less do you really think would be good for our country, how much less education would be good for our children?  How many hungry american kids can we no longer afford to feed?  How many fewer college degrees would make us more competitive as a nation?"

Most puzzling situation of the day:  How the Democratic platform evolved   Please tell me why neither party can buck the National Rifle Association?  As the Post notes in this article:  "After years of unambiguously supporting gun control laws, the party (Democratic) significantly shifts is tone in the last three elections to emphasize protecting 'American's Second Amendment right to own firearms'"  Hunters, yes, but assault weapons?  Multiple weapons and unlimited ammunition?  Most of the time, I think we are crazy and today is no exception.

Funniest Article of the Day:  In response to Paul Ryan's boast (untrue) that  he ran a marathon in under 3 hours, Runners' Magazine published the correct time.  I loved this comment from a reader:

Wheat Farmer:  Paul Ryan ran a sub 3 hour marathon???  He must be Kenyan.  check his birth certificate."  hahahahaha  I didn't know farmers were this funny.

And finally, my favorite comic of the day.

Nor on your blog.................

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