Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Merano to Bolzano - 24 miles

leaving Merano
Of course, there could not have been a ride like yesterday.  That is a once in a lifetime experience perhaps.

Today's ride however still along the Adige River on the right and apple orchards on the left reminded me of that old joke about the happy motorcyclist....I too had bugs in my teeth from smiling so much.  It was such a lovely day and such a perfect time to be alive and able to ride 24 miles.

With gasoline costing $9.00 a gallon, it is no wonder that the Europeans ride their bikes and walk a lot.  The Italian men seem to love their bikes.  So many of them passed us by today with their colorful team bike shirts and bike pants.  One old guy passed me and I was going a respectful 14 miles per hour.  I looked over and this guy looked like he was 90 years old...skinny, hunched over and in a purple and yellow bike shirt and shorts!  What a sport!

We hit an "umleitung" - detour - right outside of Merano in the morning.  I could not help but notice the fabulous legs on the workman who was directing us around the bike path.  The guy had on shorts and he either plays soccer or bikes or both.  I'd give anything for those legs!  Unfortunately Motorbike hit a soft spot in the trail and fell right there in front of him.  Oh well, longer to gaze at The Legs.

We are back at our first hotel.  It seems like home now.  Friend had scoped out the area and new that we could take a cable car to the top of the mountain.  It was fabulous.  When we reached the top we found a pristine world of German homes manicured beyond what Disney would expect.  I don't know how a population can be so neat and clean.  These are definitely not Italians regardless of the fact that this is Italy. It is beautiful to behold, but I am still looking forward longingly at the southern route we will be taking to the real Italy!

Becca News Brief for the Day:  Man found smuggling primate in underwear   I can't make this stuff up.  we had a great laugh about this story especially once we saw what he was smuggling:

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