Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not yet a finished product

AARP's magazine always highlights people who have turned 50.  This month they are highlighting people who have been working over 50 years...The Rolling Stones, Placido Domingo, Warren Buffett and the Queen of England.  That's cool, but I take issue with the concept that one's life is linked to the career (or at least the first career).  Itzhak Perlman is quoted saying:  "There are people who are uncanny, who are finished products at a young age.  I wasn't thank God."  

I agree with Perlman, except that I think he is talking about his career...still playing the violin.  Well, I'm not a finished product even though my first career is over.  I've got a future, which is unknown to me right now, but which I am certain will reveal that I am not a finished  product yet.

For my retirement Silver Streak and Techno Man gave me a start to my future:  Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4, which is going to launch my future into digital photography processing.  Unfortunately, it will also put me into direct competition with Techno Man who is a real artist in this arena.  Watch out, Techno Man.  I'm out to get you!  

So, let's add this to my retirement to do list:  #3 Learn Photoshop Lightroom 4

In that same AARP edition (September 2012) is an article about a woman who wanted to fulfill a life time desire to learn a foreign language.  She moved to Italy for three months and immersed herself in Italian.  I'm torn, because I really want to learn Italian, but need to learn Spanish since all of my in-laws and the Silver Tongued Latin Lover and his friends speak Spanish. 

So let's add this to my retirement to do list:   #4 - Learn Spanish (and then learn Italian?)

This is September 5 and I have been retired for five days.  I am really busy putting away things from the retirement and packing for my bike trip.  News Flash:  I took a two hour nap yesterday!  Okay, BUT... I started the day with one hour of Body Pump - increasing my weights on some of the exercises as my instructor suggested, 9:00 doctor's appointment (annual physical), then went to Target to buy stuff for the trip, Giant to get something for dinner tonight, and fed Friend's cat "Q".  I deserved a nap.

So far, I like retirement.


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