Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 27 - Don't worry about having time on your hands

It is day 27 and those of you contemplating retirement---I need to reiterate that you should NOT be worried about not having enough to do.  I've not even had a chance to pursue the classes I want to take, volunteer activities, etc....and I am feeling overwhelmed.  So those who know me will recognize that this is an eternal state of affairs with me, but where does the time go?  Of course, I've been spending lots of time with my photos of Italy...researching photo book publishers, trying out Animoto for video production, making hard copies and framing for friends.  I guess that is how I've wasted this first week of freedom.  

Now I am leaving on an 11 hour drive to Indiana with my flea-ridden dogs (HOPEFULLY the fleas are gone).  I'll post from there.  But before I leave this morning, I wanted to highlight an article from the Washington Post that I think makes a good point about our current tax code and the ridiculous rhetoric of this year's presidential campaign.  The article is not "pro" anyone, but it is honest about how we got to where we are today with the tax code.  Oh how I wish our representatives could work together to solve these problems instead of pointing fingers.

Mitt Romney and the 47 percent, joined at the hip

Alan Sloan, Washington Post, September 27, 2012

And my laugh for the morning:

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