Monday, November 5, 2012

Flight - Denzel is brave

Flight, the movie - don't believe the trailer.  This is NOT an action film, it is a film about one man's addiction to alcohol and it is fantastic!  Denzel Washington must be secure in who he is, because through most of this film he is not a pleasant man to look at or a pleasant man to be with.  The scene where he is dead drunk was spot on and so powerful.  Anyone with a drinking problem needs to see this movie.  I give this film four stars.  I recommend Denzel for an oscar nomination!

The Courthouse Movie Theater.  If you are in the area, try it out.  They've renovated the theater and it is super cool.  Reclining "leather" seats, and I do mean reclining.  If you went to see a movie that was bad, you'd surely fall asleep in these seats.  I hope this is the future of movie theaters.  It was great.

Tomorrow is election day in Virginia.  As a swing state, every voter is important.  I will be out in mid-day -- after the working people get in line to vote.  Although I am secure in my selection, I am very uncertain that anything in this country will really change.  The President, no matter what party, has only so much power.  With a divided Congress and no desire it appears to compromise, I question how we will address our issues.

I know that jobs are the number one issue in the country, but for me health care, is the most important issue. I've got insurance, but worry about those who do not, or those who are stuck in a job because of insurance. I remember so clearly when my mother lost her insurance because the insurance company quit issuing policies for the group in which she was insured.  I remember sitting at the table as she tried to make sense of what other policies would be available to her.....that stress should not be part of the American experience.  Medicare was a gift to my family; and the Veterans Administration for my dad.  Working people who have worked their entire lives, raised a family, given to their church, and helped out those less fortunate, should not have to worry about their health care.  So, that is my soap box for the day.

Vote Tomorrow!

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