Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 61 - Technology, the Retired Person's Frontier

61 days...where does the time go?  The time is spent trying to keep up with technology without a help desk.  I sure miss you techies from the help desk and the office.

The CLOUD.  Have you visited it?  I have.  Mine is called Google Drive and it does NOT come with directions.  I find it so interesting and so frustrating that these new technologies are unveiled and really pushed as a Must Have, but with no written directions, no manual.  I suppose that the young tech-savvy people have grown up with this kind of innovation, but for my generation, I expect a manual.  

I've learned, of course, to "Google" my questions and meet up with other Google Drive users in a "users forum."  How do I know I can trust these new friends with my computer?  Some of them have some pretty weird ideas about how to fix my problem.  But hey, I'm a trusting soul and I only spent TWO DAYS doing what they told me to do, re-installing windows installer, which required me to back up my system first, then moving all of my precious files to my C:  Google Drive.  

I finally figured out that the Google Drive on my computer (does this sound like an elderly person is explaining it?!!) backs up to the My Google Drive in the Cloud.  It worked.  Now all of my precious photos and other sundry items are safely ensconced in the Cloud.  I can access them from my Kindle Fire, my net-book and my desktop computer.  It isn't really a miracle, but I feel proud that I could do it.

My November 1 Get Fuzzy calendar: Yeah, I am a bit like Satchel -- if I think something I say it....most of the time. 

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