Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 69 - Not tired of retirement

I may have given you all the idea yesterday that I am tired of retirement or bored.  Far from it.  It was just one of those days where I really didn't have a plan.  Those who know me know that this is a dangerous situation.  So, I've regrouped and have started thinking about my plans for the future. One of those plans includes trying to keep in better touch with friends who are still working.

But before all that, let's take a look at today's news:

Becca's Brief

1.  Super PACs learned that the campaigns cannot be bought.  WooHoo!  Quoting the Post today:  "Never before has so much political money been spent to achieve so little."  Do we have the opportunity here to re-set the way we run campaigns?  I'm not optimistic, but wistful.  One business leader in today's paper said just what I believe:  "We learned you cannot address the fiscal and cultural differences in our society by throwing money at political dogmas that may have outlived their usefulness."

2.  Hurricane Sandy and the Nor'easter.  Wow.  How much misery can these people take?  I was not a fan of Chris Christie before, but have changed my mind about him.  He really cares about his New Jersey, or so it seems to me.  Anyone thinking that perhaps climate change might get on the President's program this time?

3.  Foreign policy.  Isn't it interesting that our friends (and probably foes, too) are relieved that Obama is back?  "The hope, many said, is that Obama will be more inclined toward negotiations if he isn't worried about being accused of being soft on Iran."  I was not a W fan, was against the war in Iraq, and hope that negotiations will trump chest thumping.

4.  Obama's cabinet.  Lots of discussion about who will stay and who will go.  I hate to see Panetta go---loved his colorful language.  Proud that a Paisano*  is running the Pentagon.  Glad to see that Erik Shinseki may stay as head of the VA.  He and his wife are great people and very committed to our military members and their families.

*A word used by italians toward other italians meaning "Italian brother" sometimes shortened to Paisan.

5.  Finally, saw the play WAR HORSE last night. If you've seen it, you'll know what I am saying ----How in the hell did they get those horse 'puppets' to be so realistic?  Fantastic entertainment.  If you get a chance to see the play, do it.

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