Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 68 - First inkling I'm retired

I promised to explain the ups and downs of retirement.  Today is the 68th day of retirement and the first day that my concerns about boredom and becoming a couch potato have raised their bad ass heads.  Now, I'm not nearly finished with all of the work around the house, but I'm taking a break because it has been three non-stop weeks of work and I am TIRED.  So I thought I'd take the day off and just do nothing.  I am not good at doing nothing.  That's not bad, but now I am obsessing over the idea that everyday will be like this one after I get all my projects completed.  Crazy, but just expect this may happen at day 68.

I've got plans.  I've registered for a beginning oil painting class from January through March.  I assume I'll also paint in between the classes so that should keep me somewhat busy.

Honestly, I've not looked into volunteer activities yet.  I've got to do that, but thus far, until today, I've just been too busy to think about volunteering.

I've also not started taking all the exercise classes I said I was going to take.  Maybe tomorrow.

QUESTION:  When did gas stations start charging $1.00 for air?  My somewhat new car has a tire pressure meter that tells me my tires are not at their correct "psi."  I stopped by a local station to add air, found that I needed four quarters for 3 minutes!  I hate to admit it, but it took me 2.25 minutes to figure out that I had to press the lever to put air INTO the tires.  Up to that time, I believe I was taking air OUT of the tires.  I got three tires at the correct psi, but not the 4th.  and I didn't have any more quarters.  How bad is it to drive on 3 tires at the right pressure and 1 at the wrong pressure?

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