Sunday, November 4, 2012

Elections and the Next Generation

Don't get me wrong.  I DON'T understand the electoral college, but I find it very difficult to encourage my nephew to vote in his first election as it is pretty darn clear that Indiana will go for Romney whether he votes or not.  (NOTE:  I'm not sure who he would vote for, but just saying, does his vote mean anything?)  I on the other hand live in a swing state (Oh lucky me!  Bombarded day and night with election ads of the most sickening negativity.) so my vote WILL count.  

Unfortunately, as the Post said this morning, the elections have focused on these swing states to such an extent that the needs of the whole country, I fear, are being overlooked by the focus on the desires of these States.  This year's campaign has not enlightened the electorate, as far as I can see, because each side has projected such falsehoods about the other.  Who is the world has the time and understanding of where to check the facts?  One campaign has said they don't care about the Fact Checkers anyway, so I guess that means they don't care about the facts.

To see the biggest whoppers of the 2012 campaign, visit

I am going to do my part today.  What is this "Parks" initiative that I am supposed to vote about Tuesday?  My goal today is to figure out where I can learn about this initiative so that I can vote wisely.  I already know that I am going to vote for the initiative to fix the flooding problem in one of our neighborhoods brought on by building and expanding roadways, but leaving over 200 families in fear of constant flooding.  That's just not right.  We all benefit from the expanded roadways, so we all should pay for the problems this caused.  That is my feeling. 

But on the Parks?  All I know of parks is from the TV show Parks and Recreation...I think I need to learn more before Tuesday.  My first try on line yielded me this:

Shall the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County contract a debt, borrow money and issue bonds of 
Fairfax County, Virginia, in addition to the parks and park facilities bonds previously authorized, in the 
maximum aggregate principal amount of $75,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds with any other 
available funds to finance the cost of providing parks and park facilities including the acquisition, 
construction, development and equipment of additional parks and park facilities, and the purchase of 
permanent easements for the preservation of open‐space land and the development and improvement 
of existing parks and park facilities by the Fairfax County Park Authority, and including an amount not to 
exceed $12,000,000 allocable to the County as its share of the cost of parks and park facilities to be 
acquired, constructed, developed and equipped by the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority?  

Shall the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County contract a debt, borrow money and issue bonds of 
Fairfax County, Virginia in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $30,000,000, for the purpose of 
providing funds, with any other available funds, to finance the cost of providing storm drainage 
improvements to prevent flooding and soil erosion, including the acquisition of necessary land?  
(Source:  Fairfax County website)

Looks like I am going to need to dig a bit deeper to understand what all of this means.

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