Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ah. Life is a beach

Day 71 of retirement and I'm enjoying it at the beach in North Carolina.  See picture at left taken out the window of my friend's place.  It is 70 degrees, sunny, and I got my first Carolina barbecue sandwich today.  I also had time to pick up a UNC-Chapel Hill bumper sticker for my car.  Ain't life grand?

I know I got off a bit carried away the other day about having to pay $1.00 for air, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about it.  Why is there a limit of 3 minutes to purchase air for your tires?  Is this a limited commodity?  Is it rare?  Am I, the consumer, going to line up cars and just steal all the air I can get for my $1.00?  How much will it be worth it to me to fill up the fourth tire that I could not get to in the three allotted minutes?

On the plus size, Motorbike (friend here at the beach), gave me ideas about how to approach this task (putting air in the tires) the next time.  I will share it with you so that you don't end up with 3 of 4 tires filled like I did.

1.  Remove the caps from the valves on all four tires.  
2.  Put caps in your pocket so you don't lose them.
3.  Unwind the hose that the air comes through to ensure that it can reach all four tires easily.  (This was one of my big mistakes.)
4.  Pump the air into the tires.  NOTE:  You must press down on the thingamagig to send the air into the tire.
5.  Check the tire pressure with the air hose, but NOT pressing down on the thingamagig.

There.  Lesson learned for today.

How sweet it is to be retired.

1 comment:

  1. Great! Now you can show me! Glad you're having fun at the beach! Tell Motorbike I said Hi! I just tried calling your house. You didn't answer! Now I know why! Lol!
