Monday, October 8, 2012

Retirement Update - OPM

I suppose I'll  need to write two blogs today because I've promised an update about retirement itself and I also want to update about the reality of eldercare.  I'll do that in a second blog.  So, let me catch you up.

Retired August 31.


  • According to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) I should get a check on the 1st of October for my first month retirement (September).
  • GOT IT!  It was direct deposited to my designated account.  Amount was about 60% of what I think will be my full retirement check.  Federal taxes were taken out.

OPM electronic record: 

  • Received my Retirement Services Reference Card with my Claim Number (Sept 12).
  • Two weeks later received my temporary password.
  • Logged in and was able to change my federal tax withholding -- upped it because it appears that I won't have enough taken out if I don't
  • Can't have State taxes withheld until I get my final pension checks, which won't be until probably March or April.
  • NOTE:   The only thing that is disconcerting about the check and the website is that there is no indication that my health insurance is being paid.  The paperwork assures me that this will be worked out....but I'd rather see the payment.

So, OPM, good work.

I consider this my first day of real retirement because I don't have any trips or other distractions.  I hate to sound trite, but it is true. Every retired person I knew told me "You won't know how you had time to work."   and IT IS TRUE.  I am so busy.


  • Fed the boys (dogs)
  • Ran out to have my dunkin donut, coffee and the Post  without their pleading eyes
  • Body Pump for 60 minutes with Friend
  • Safeway to buy lots of vegetables because of my pledge to increase my consumption of them.
  • Gassed up the car
  • Sprayed and re-potted indoor plants that have been outdoors
  • Two loads of laundry - washed, dried and folded
  • Vacuumed the floor - still trying to avoid the fleas.
  • Three phone calls home regarding my Mom's medication---more about that in the second blog.
  • Still writing thank you cards---(If you haven't gotten yours it's coming.)
  • 3:00 PM and I am writing this blog.

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