Saturday, October 6, 2012

Back in my world

I don't like admitting this, but I am relieved to be back in my own home without 24 hours of FOX NEWS screaming in my ears.   How can 24 hours a day of vitriol be good for anyone?  Why do we need to discuss over and over and over again the same issue?    Deep breath....

I didn't get my Washington Post today and I am going through withdrawal.  Yes, I can read it on line, but somehow it just doesn't feel right.

Where in the h**l do the movie critics get their ideas of what is good theater?  The latin lover and I went to see "Master" tonight.  

Oh my god---stick a fork in my eye.  

Love Philip Seymour Hoffman but even my love of him can't make up for this movie.  Give me a break.  If anyone out there can explain WHY the critics think this is such a great film   PLEASE enlighten me.

Wish I had had a ticket to the Jon Stewart/Bill O'Reilly debate tonight.  I know it had to have been better than the one on Wednesday:  one dull lackluster performance and one aggressive energetic mis-representation of the facts.  Please make this election end.

This week marks what I consider the real beginning of my trips to Italy, no trips home....just me and whatever I figure out to do in retirement.  I'll update that bit of information in the coming posts.

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