Friday, October 19, 2012

DAY 48 Busy with lots of things

I'm not giving up on the blog, but in retirement I seem to be so busy I don't have time to write.  Pre-retirees:  do NOT worry about having enough to do all day.  I promise you it is not going to be a problem.  It is Thursday and this is how my week has gone so far.

Sunday - Worked in the  back yard as we are completely re-designing our patio.  Carrying bricks and pavers for a couple of hours, digging out soil and roots.  This did me in!

Monday - Instituted my plan to clean one room a week.  I've already mentioned this in a previous blog, but with one little update today.  Yesterday I had lunch with some other retirees.  One admitted that she had had the same plan, but it has devolved into cleaning out a drawer or a closet, not a whole room.  I'll give this some thought, but have not given up on my room to room plan.

Reflecting pond after renovations
 Tuesday - So darn tired that I tried to bow out of a bike ride with Friend and her nephew.  Luckily, I got up the energy to go.  What a glorious day in DC!  I LOVE seeing the city through the eyes of people who don't live here and who have never toured by bike.

Wednesday - Lunch and Argo with fellow retirees.  It was great...the lunch and the movie.  I got some great ideas for volunteer activities, learned that these women also had the great idea to clean their houses thoroughly, and learned not to worry about the finances---I'll get used to the differences in a very short time period.

Thursday - What can I say?  My obsession with working out problems on the computer made this an awful day.  I spent over four hours trying to figure out how to download photos from my HTC Incredible to my computer!  Verizon (oh how I hate Verizon) provides "Backup Assistant"---that was worseless and kept appearing every time I inserted the USB into the port.  "HTC sync" can ANYONE (I'm yelling in my mind) tell me how this helps?  I FINALLY got my photos at 7:30 last night.  I've vowed not to touch the computer today, but.....

1 comment:

  1. Don't weasel out of those bike rides. New research shows that exercise is the best way to keep the brain from shrinking, better than Sudoku or other brain games.

    I don't have a smart phone, but if your problems continue, you might try the free DropBox. I use it to keep my computers in sync. An Android app is available.
