Friday, October 19, 2012

Becca's Briefs - thoughts over coffee

Pay Disparity in the US.
Two ads on television this morning really pissed me off.  The first was a political ad about how bad off people feel economically in this country.  The very next ad was from the Wall Street Journal on buying mansions.  Why in the world do CEOs need to make 231 times what their workers make?  Why do we as Americans accept this?  I KNOW that the CEO is not 231 times smarter, better or more deserving.  My feeling is that our system of government and taxes favors this situation.  I can't but help thinking about who really gets the handouts in this country.  I also wonder just how much money someone needs?!

Route 50/Arlington County  What gives on Route 50 near the Courthouse Road exchange?  Friend and I wonder each time we drive this route---and each time we have driven it for the past two years....what is it going to be and how many times are they going to tear up the same bit of roadway?

Killing with Drugs  How is it that a pharmaceutical company can kill a 22 year old woman and not be charged with murder or at least manslaughter?  Page 3 of the Washington Post - Spotlight on Drug Compounding

Assault Weapons.  When are we going to hear a politician tell the truth about assault weapons?  When will they have the nerve to say that we can't buck the NRA?

Defense of Marriage.  Okay, give me a break.  How is allowing two people who are in love and committed to each other hurting YOUR marriage or anyone's?  DoMA struck down.  I can think of quite a few other things that kill marriages, many of them practiced by our leadership.  How about outlawing that if you are so worried about "marriage?"

Social Security.  Why is there a cap on how much is contributed to Social Security?  I've never understood this.  If you are fortunate enough to make more than $103,000 in 2013, why can't you continue paying your Social Security taxes?  I'm no economist, but wouldn't this keep the system solvent?  No politician will say this either.

Gasoline Prices.  I don't understand how the two gasoline stations on Four Mill Run and Walter Reed Drive sell gasoline at prices that differ by nearly a quarter.  Does the Shell station WANT to sell gas?  Who are the nut cases that are pumping gas there when they can drive 30 feet and pay 23 cents less?

Why civilian military secretaries are no longer needed  - Washington Post, October 18.  I'm sure I'll take some heat on this from old work friends, but really, why do we need four different structures to run the military Services?  

Maybe I just had too much time on my hands this morning, or maybe it was being able to read the newspaper at Dunkin' Donuts without the penetrating and pleading eyes of The Boys.  A great way to start the day.

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