Thursday, October 11, 2012

Andy Rooney-isms

One of the nice things about retirement is that you have the time to rant about what drives you crazy.  Actually, I always had the time, but my audience was rather limited to the unfortunate people who had to listen to me in the office.  So, let me get a few of them office my chest this morning.  I have no doubt this will be a recurring theme in this blog because every day I come upon things that drive me crazy or that (being charitable) maybe I just don't understand.
  • How is it that a major national chain can advertise "free" delivery, when in fact, the consumer must pay for delivery, then apply for a refund?  The "refund" is a Visa credit card that has a $3.00 fee monthly if not used.  How many people don't read the fine print and end up with nothing after a few months.
  • Why are those automatic paper dispensers in restaurant, hotel and airport bathrooms set up to deliver only 5 inches of paper.  NO ONE can dry their hands with 5 inches of paper, folks!  I was going to name names, but I'll leave it to this.  Perhaps those who make these kinds of decisions MAY see my blog and reconsider.  Decision Makers:  either your clientele is wiping their hands on their pants, or swishing their hands numerous times in front of your machines to get another 5 inches of paper!  If cost is a concern, what does it cost in electricity for the repeat "swishers?"
  • How can it cost $290 to install a gas range, $190 to install a dishwasher, and $199 to install a microwave when the technician is only replacing already existing appliances---no new lines to put in, holes to make in wall, etc...  and this does not include delivery and removal?

Of course, there is a lot I like and appreciate, too.

I Love the Daily Show.  Where else can you see for yourself the hypocrisy of many of  our leaders, and laugh at the same time?  I love it when Jon Stewart shows video of some politician saying one thing when his party is involved and something 180 degrees different when the other party is involved.  These guys are priceless. Jon Stewart is a genius.  If our young people are getting their news here, as has been reported, all I can say is Bravo for you!

  • Gold's Gym.  Where else does everyone know your name?  (Cheers, I guess?)  They've got everything I need for exercise, great classes, Becca, Sherry and Barb.  What else do you need?
  • I love the Fort Belvoir Credit Union.  Marijana is the best!  The 3.25% checking account is awesome and there is only a 1% foreign transaction fee for ATMs overseas. 
Have a great day! 

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