Sunday, August 5, 2012


Jerry Seinfeld, the guy is just so funny and all of it is just about every day life!  Hubby and I saw him last night at the Kennedy Center.  The first 10 minutes of his show was about going out.  He congratulated the audience for getting there.  He said you buy the tickets and you’re all excited about the show, but then the day gets there. The show is at 7:00, you can't figure out how you can eat - too early before and too late after.   I wish I could tell it as funny as he did as he moved on to discussing spouses getting ready to come to the show asking each other if they are “ready.”  The Silver-Tongued Latin Lover and I had spent about 15 minutes before we walked out the door doing just that.  Are you ready?  No, are you?  Isn't it too early?  “You’re not wearing that are you?  It’s the KENNEDY CENTER!!”  Jerry’s words, but mine too.   He had the everyday actions of getting ready to go out down to a tee.

I am amazed how he can spend five minutes discussing Pop Tarts and how his life changed in the 60’s when this was introduced into his breakfast menu.  He did a rift on how food calls to us.  It’s true isn’t it?  Between 9:30 and 11:00 at night, don’t those chocolate chip cookies call out to you…eat me......

The guy is a genius.  I just wonder if he can ever have peace.  How do you go through life with the absurdities of  EVERYTHING calling out to you?  Lost socks in the dryer, Cheerios, taking your seat in the theater, letting latecomers into your row.  Is it a gift or a curse? 

At the end of the show, someone called out a question to him about returning to television.  He said no way.  “I’m too old, too rich and too tired.”  Good for him, though I miss Thursday nights at 9:00 and the old Seinfeld gang.   But “not that there is anything wrong with that”, right? 

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