Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life is a Banquet...Auntie Mame

My god, what a beautiful city this is.  Yesterday went for a 21 mile bike ride with three friends.  We are trying to get in shape for the Italy bike trip.  The city is just so beautiful....riding along the Potomac River.  What a sight.

Today we had a 7 mile walk from Georgetown to the other side of Union Station.  You cannot believe how beautiful, how many great people and places you see along the way.

I had lunch with an old friend yesterday.  She is almost 75 and still working.  She looks fabulous and not anywhere near 75.  Both of us discussed retirement.  She isn't ready for it and I am SO ready for it.  Interesting discussions on the topic and especially when she reminded me of Auntie Mame's famous quote about life.  "Life is a banquet and so many poor fools are starving to death!"  It reminded me of all that might be out there for the taking in my next life period.

Twenty eight years ago I quit my job, sold my house and announced to my family that I was moving to Europe.  No job, no place to live and only one friend in Germany.  That was the beginning of an era for me that will end on August 31.  That unbelievable experience led to me working for the DoD schools, then moving to D.C., then working where I am now.  It has been a great gig.  Who in the world thought that my gypsy existence in France would end up in a whole career working for the military?

So, I'm ready to start at the beginning of this banquet and work my through to the desserts.


  1. Wow Rebecca - I cannot believe that you are retiring. We will be losing a good person. Take care and enjoy !!! You do deserve it.

  2. I so remember your gypsy days so long ago!
