Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pretty Pretty

I’m getting some pretty bad jokes about my blog.  One friend, who wishes to be called “Pretty Pretty,” thinks it is funny that I call our other friend “Friend.”  I was advised not to use real names in my blog, so I’ve started making up names for people.  If you know our group, it’s not hard to figure out who is who.  But for you stalkers, I’ve tried not to give away too many details.  Why anyone would stalk a 62 year old retiree, I don’t know, but I’m trying to be safety conscious.

Today is minus 22 until retirement.  This has been on my mind for several months, so I’ll reveal my first of 100 things I want to do when I retire.  I am going to scan, digitize, edit and place into photo books all of my photos.  I figure I have about 30,000.  Not kidding.  But I also know that about 90% of them I’ll end up throwing away.  Remember when we used film?  No matter how bad the photo, no matter how boring, you kept it because you’d paid to process it.  I had a Groupon to scan 1,000 photos so I started with those I had that were not in albums.  I ended up with 1,000 to scan and threw away 2,000.  It was hard at first, but got much easier as time went on. 

My plan is to start with my digital photos and make them into books according to the years.  I may need to take turns with those that are digital and those that require unsticking from a photo album and scanning.  Regardless of the method, this is #1 out of the 100 things I am doing in retirement.  NOTE:  These are not in order of priority, but in order of what I think about next.  This one will take years to complete, but I am going to do it.

All those pictures of Pretty Pretty will be given a very close look to determine which pile to place them in – scan or ditch.  Just remember that, Pretty Pretty. 

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