Friday, August 24, 2012

Handing over the baton

Day minus 7.  Actually, this was my last day of work.  I cleaned out my office, deleted electronic files, set up an out of office message on my phone and email account.  

I didn't think it would be this emotional.  While I am throwing out a life-time of work, shredding papers, determining what to take home and what to pitch, life was going on without me.  Special Ed had assumed leadership and as any good leader he was taking stock of where we (they) were.  I put on my headphones and turned up the 70's music to drown out any possibility that I would hear the meeting in the next room.  It can be painful to think that there will be a new direction, even though you know that's the way it will be.  Things move on.  Does everyone deserve to think they've left a "legacy?"  How about if you just touched a few people in a positive way?  


  1. If you made a difference in just ONE life, then ya done good, Becky!
    Proud of ya girl!
    Just can't beat those S. Ind. gals!

  2. I really appreciate that...Becky.

  3. Rebecca, I know you touched more than just a few. Enjoy, my friend.

  4. you have made a HUGE difference in lives both personally and professionally---and yes, in such a positive way. this comes from someone who has seen all sides of your gifts --as a parent, as a co-worker, as a Service and as a friend. your legacy continues and our connection/friendship with you as well:)

  5. Rebecca, you have for sure left a legacy NO DOUBT!!! I am more than sure you have touched more than one life in a positive way. There's this almost 10 yr old boy who you brought so much happiness to with all your hard work working on the handicap accessible playgrounds. We love you and have truly been lucky to know you and call you our friend.
