Thursday, August 2, 2012

Striking a chord with retirees

I had not planned it this way, but it seems like other retirees have something to say about what I am saying.  A very good friend said I struck a chord with those Dylan lyrics - "Like a complete unknown."  She went from getting calls from Brian Williams (NBC), the London Times and Congressional staffers (yeah, I have some high powered friends), she said, to getting excited if the plumber called.  Another retiree said to think carefully about volunteering opportunities to ensure that at least one of them uses your talents.  She had run a national data center and after retiring found herself making copies for staff at an eldercare center.  Now she volunteers at the Smithsonian, but says she still misses making decisions.

I talked with one retiree (really the only one I've met who does  NOT like retirement).  I mentioned that I was going to REALLY clean my hosue when I retire and she said "everyone says that."  By that, I think she meant everyone says it but no one does it.

I'm wondering if maybe I should have some guest bloggers.....  Regardless, if you are out there and you understand where I am coming from, send me a note.  I've got lots of things to say about life, work and retiring, but maybe you will strike a chord with me.

No tunes tonight.  I haven't left for home.  Haven't gotten into the almost new convertible (4943 miles) for that ride down the Pike.  Livin La Vida Loca is running through my head, for some reason, though.  Maybe it is getting home to the Silver Tongued Latin Lover.  I'll put on the 70s station and may add a song later.


  1. I agree - cleaning the house is slow going....But I don't miss the inquiries from Congressional staffers or the Military Times!

  2. I'm enjoying your blog posts, you will have to keep writing even after retirement...maybe that's what you can do next..write a book! Leslie Posante Dunn

  3. About volunteering--take care that you don't make it into a job with time schedules and responsibilities that might interfere with your retirement.
