Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine

I’m counting down the days.  Sixteen more and pretty much my Federal career is over.  What seems to be left now is explaining to those who are staying on what I did, who I worked with on what, etc…  As it stands today, I’ve got three days to do training for the Army, three days of leave that I will take the week of my ceremony – getting the house and yard ready for visitors.  One day is the day to check out equipment and one day is the actual retirement.  That sure doesn’t leave much.

Great surprise today---friends and colleagues overseas sent me flowers today --- at the office.  What a treat.  Calla Lilies, my favorite flowers.  I think a little person told them how much I live Callas.  The card that came with it made me smile.  Someone remembered me and thinks I made a little difference.  Isn’t that what we all want --- to know that we made a little difference in someone’s life, career, or future?  Wow.

I always think about that quote – “To the world you may just be someone, but to someone you may be the whole world.”  Wouldn’t it be great to know that you were the world to someone?  Or at least something to someone.

I’ve got one more important meeting in my career --- Friday.  One last time I will try to get past the bureaucracy to get something done.  This may determine a little bit how I view the past 28 years.

On the way into the office this morning I listened to a song that I can't get out of my mind…Tom T Hall…Old dogs, children and watermelon wine.  Country is not my normal genre – 60s and 70s are more my speed, but this song really got to me.

How old do you think I am he said I said well I didn't know
He said I turned sixty five about eleven months ago

I was sittin' in Miami pourin' blended whiskey down
When this old grey black gentleman was cleanin' up the lounge
There wasn't anyone around 'cept this old man and me
The guy who ran the bar was watching Ironsides on TV
Uninvited he sat down and opened up his mind
On old dogs and children and watermelon wine

Ever had a drink of watermelon wine he asked
He told me all about it though I didn't answer back
Ain't but three things in this world that's worth a solitary dime
But old dogs and children and watermelon wine
He said women think about theyselves when menfolk ain't around
And friends are hard to find when they discover that you're down
He said I tried it all when I was young and in my natural prime
Now it's old dogs and children and watermelon wine

Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes
God bless little children while they're still too young to hate
When he moved away I found my pen and copied down that line
'Bout old dogs and children and watermelon wine
[ harmonica ]
I had to catch a plane up to Atlanta that next day
As I left for my room I saw him pickin' up my change
That night I dreamed in peaceful sleep of shady summertime
Of old dogs and children and watermelon wine

Not sure that this song has a lot to do with the rest of the post, but I just really liked it.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, I am extremely bummed that I can't be there for your retirement ceremony. I don't think I've ever told you that I consider you one of my mentors. I appreciate all you did and I especially cherish our friendship (and our quick European tour in '85!). Prost!
