Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day minus 1.  Okay, last week's post about handing over the baton was a downer, but to those who are contemplating retirement, an update:  life at work is already dimming in my mind!  As I cleaned out electronic files yesterday I realized that there were not that many I wanted to copy to a CD.  Most of them were photos of the good times and inspirational writing that I sometimes read to keep up my spirits when times were tough.  HA! 

I attended a party for another staff member and friend who is also retiring officially tomorrow.  She looked radiant!  AND she really seemed to like the necklace I made for her --- the famous Becca Beads!  So, unlike my cousin who told me that life was going to be the same day after day now, let me say to all of you.....not on my watch!

Family is arriving today, so that is my excuse for not posting my 100 things to do in retirement.  As I have posted one of them already, I suppose we can say I owe you 99 more.  It is on my TO DO list, but frankly, I am just so busy right now that I haven't gotten around to it.  That may be my favorite expression from here on out.......

I got home yesterday to find a beautiful bouquet of roses and other flowers with a CONGRATULATIONS balloon attached, and two boxes from Dean and Deluca containing Italian goodies and a back pack made expressly for wine and cheese picnics...glasses, cheese board, plates, and a bag for the wine.  Somebody knows me well!

Just finished my remarks for tomorrow, cried a bit over the sentiments, and reminded myself to bring kleenex for the ceremony!  I don't have music playing now, so nothing more to add.  Onward and upward.

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