Saturday, June 14, 2014

The adventure continues

Maybe 25 years ago, my dad had me take a picture of him in front of this same bakery in Bassano del Grappa.  Now I am taking one of my nephew, DJ.  Our second day in Italy has been relaxing, at least for me.  Poor guy couldn't sleep last night because of the heat and jet lag.  I'm used to jet lag, and also new to open the windows and keep the door to my bedroom open.  He was sweltering with the door closed.  So I had the opportunity this morning to take in the  street market right in front of our apartment.

The weather man said it was going to thunder and storm today, but by the time my charge got up at 11:30, it looked beautiful, so we walked across the "new" bridge in Bassano to the Bike Store and rented two really great bikes.  We set off to retrieve my phone, which I had left at the family's house last night in Tezze sul Brenta, but we got lost.  So what could we do but stop for pizza at Al Mulino in Cartigliano?  The matriarch of the family, who was waiting our table, said that we were 30 minutes BY CAR from Tezze sul Brenta.  How in the world did we get so far off course?  We found out from her son, however, that we were only a few kilometers and made it to the family's house in due time.  The adventure was not over.
 As we left to beat the rain that was coming, we were drowned in a storm of epic proportions and had to turn back.  I'll spare you of my photo, but here is DJ soaked to the gills.

Now Dj has gone with Elena and Stefania to buy the fixings for tiramisu.  I think he needs to learn to make this so he can treat me when we get home.

Elena and Stefania

Tonight is asparagi rissoto at the family's then a street fair.  I'm going to try to watch Scandals on Netflix while the young ones go bar hopping.  It is a good trip so far.  I just hope that my charge can get over his jet lag tonight.  This is a big learning experience for him about international travel.

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