Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Customer Service

I've been asked why I haven't been writing recently, in my mind, it has been because I am too busy.  But maybe it is because nothing has gotten me riled up enough to stop what I am doing to start writing.  Until now.

I'm sitting in the waiting room of a hospital with a friend waiting for the staff to call him in for a procedure, the outcome of which can be good or can be pretty bad.  This "Top 100 Hospital" as the signs in the lobby brag has an information desk that does not know where the Cardio-Pulmonary lab is located.  As we finally discover, it is on the level right above the desk where we are standing.  She also does not tell us that we need to sign it at a computer across the hall from her before we walk up the stairs to the lab.  The laboratory staff look at us like we are disturbing them and like we should know that we needed to register before we bothered them.

 I am retired, but if I were to start working again, I'd love to have the job of showing organizations like this one how to interface with their customers.  People who are in this facility are scared, confused, and they don't need the further stress of mis-information.

Okay.  I'm back.  Tomorrow I leave for Italy and hope to blog from there.  Breathe, breathe, relax...

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