Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Immigration and my family

I really thought that I would write several posts a week.  But as a retiree I am SO BUSY I just don't get to it.  But this morning, I listened to such drivel on the radio and read such drivel in the Washington Post that I had no choice but to put in my two cents.

The Heritage Foundation issued a report today on immigration in the United States.  The report indicates that  immigration reform in the United States will eventually cost our country $2.6 TRILLION because immigrants would cost more in things like social security and medicare (in addition to various welfare programs) than they would provide in taxes and increased economy.  This hurts.  

I am the product of an immigrant who had NO high school diploma and in fact was illiterate.  My dad is the first generation immigrant who could not finish high school because he HAD TO WORK, but ended up as a business owner who paid taxes and NEVER took welfare, but served this country in world war II, and receives social security and medicare.

So then there are his six children all of whom own their own homes, have jobs, pay taxes and have never received welfare.  Yes, we will all get social security and medicare.  Should this be held against us because we are the product of an immigrant?

Come on, conservative republicans.  Did your families all come over on the Mayflower or are you Native Americans?  What makes you think that today's immigrants are going to be any different than those that came before them?  Germans, Irish, Italians, Jews, and others came here to find a better life.  What makes you think the newly arrived will be any different?

If the problem is Social Security and Medicare, then work on that, but don't blame those who seek a better life in this country with those problems.

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