Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A broken heart

I've had some great times in the past few weeks, which may be why I haven't had time to blog.  But today I have a broken heart. 

For weeks, my husband and I used the garage door to avoid upsetting the house finch who was guarding her three eggs, then three fledglings in a nest she built on our front door wreathe.  

I left town for a week on a road trip, was told by my birding friends that when the baby birds left the nest they would also leave my house and I would probably not see them again.  

How wrong they were!  I found two of the babies hopping around our driveway.  They were not afraid of me...I could almost touch them.  Here is one who was pretty much posing for me.  

That made me smile the whole day.

Unfortunately, I was to learn, house finches are not loyal like dogs.  This morning I followed the mother bird (I'm not stalking her---she flew by while I was in the garden), and found that she was making a new nest in a neighbor's tree!  For shame I said to her.  Will the neighbors walk carefully to protect your babies?  Will they chronicle their births and their first flight?  I think not.

Anyway, I've got an new and unused birdhouse perched in my own tree.  I'll keep an eye on it.  Maybe she will realize her mistake.

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