Saturday, May 11, 2024

Day 3/4. Pavoa de Varzim to Esposende, Portugal

This may sound crazy, but we have no idea how far we have walked the past two days except it is much longer than we had planned for. Our best estimates comparing the literature, an iPhone app, two Android apps and google maps is 13,4 miles day one and 16.3 miles today. Our goal was 8 to 10 miles a day so we are out doing ourselves. My feet can tell the tales. Big toe, left foot - three blisters. Next toe - two blisters. Baby toe just hurts. Suzanne has taped her feet in a number of places. Just hoping that our ministrations help for tomorrow. 
 I am sorry about yesterday’s blog and the photos. At night we are so tired that I just threw the photos up. Tonight I’ll regale you with our walking and then do a data dump of photo showing what it is like on the trail.

Our biggest aha moment today was the diversity of folks who are walking. We saw everything from young people to old (older than we are), very in shape folks to very overweight. I will say that most appeared to be European and white.  

The last five miles are the hardest. I thought about crying at one point, but was too embarrassed to admit it. Once we saw the sign for our hotel I really wanted to cry. Not too much else to say, so enjoy the photos.

I guess there is one more thing. All along this trail we have seen WILD large white calla Lillie’s EVERYWHERE. They are obviously wild but so beautiful. My mom’s favorite flower and reminds me so much of her. What a blessing.


1 comment:

  1. Good to talk with you yesterday. Keep going….you will do this!!
