Sunday, May 19, 2024

Calda de Reis to Padron

I am so tired I'm not sure what I can say that will entertain you. Suzanne is not with us because of her feet. Therefore I am with the two "younger" folk. It was our intention to walk 12 miles today to Padron. However, we knew from the start that our hotel was not in Padron, but about a mile outside of town. So that would be 13 miles. Correct? My fitness app said I walked almost 16 miles and I believe it. We arrive at a very beautiful paradores, which is a hotel that has been converted from a Spanish hacienda. I will say that it is beautiful. The damned weather apps said that we would be walking in sunshine and clouds but very little rain. Wrong. We walked about two hour and then the liquid rain began. So once again I walked with a poncho over my head. I am SICK of rain.

We planned on a 12 mile walk but my app says we walked 16 miles.  From 9:00 until almost 4:00.  My legs are so tired and I have one new blister on my second toe.  

Unfortunately, Suzanne has had a couple really bad blisters and ended up in the ER in Santiago de Compostela.  They treated her foot and the charge was $0.  So much for socialized medicine.

Tomorrow is our last walk from here to Santiago de Compostela.  We have signed up for our certificate.  Some in our group want to go to Mass in Santiago.  I’m on the fence about that only because I don’t think I will be able to stay up for a 7:30 pm Mass.

What is driving me crazy is that the weather reports keep showing sun and we keep getting rain.  The mud is something to contend with.  The scenery is wonderful although we have seen NO wildlife at all.  NO squirrels, no deer, no fox.  Nothing.

The crowds of walkers are getting bigger and bigger.  Yesterday over 2300 people enter Santiago. It feels like we have seen that many as we walk.  Everyone is very nice and encouraging.  We keep seeing the same people along the trail.  So far I’ve not noticed any “religious” or “spiritual” people, but then how would I know?

One more day and then Suzanne and I can spend time in Porto.  I am going we have sunshine.  I miss Ramiro and my babies, Molly and Pancho.  Can’t wait to get home and to rest my poor feet.

Been Camino

This guy is my image of what we do when one of us needs to pee in the bushes.  The rest of us just stand there looking nonchalant.

1 comment:

  1. Will be interesting to get the talley on your actual total miles vice the map miles having walked extra miles every day! And you made it!!!! That is incredible! Poor Suzanne — hope her feet heal quickly.
