I love Halloween. When I was in college I would drive home from Purdue to take my younger siblings out trick or treating. They probably don't even remember this, but I have fond memories of it. Add this to the fact that I love to decorate and you have a recipe for spending money and time on ghosts, goblins and spiders. In addition, I've always had the idea to live in a community where everyone knows each other. So, what about a Halloween party to send off the ten little kids that live in our 30 building townhouse community?
My focus was on decorating the garden, our house and patio to welcome the little tykes, but not scare them to death. Friendly ghosts, big spiders, a black cats eyes looking out two windows. It was great fun for all.
All of the neighbors who have kids or even furry kids showed up. We had lots of witches, a lion, a mermaid, and a quarterback. No one got too scared, except for the little girl who is afraid of spiders. The kids and parents left for trick or treating and the rest of us manned the candy bowls.
Just as I had wanted, this garden is bringing the community together. Now I am on to planning the Christmas lighting!
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