Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm Back

I'm Back is the title of this post.  I zipped it out because I was thinking that I am back to writing the blog after a few weeks.  Then I realized I am also BACK to WORKING!  I had my first day at my old office yesterday.  Had I know for sure who was going to be in the meeting, I would have worn my Groucho Marx glasses, nose and mustache, but I was afraid there might be some high level people I did not know.

It wasn't rocket science.  I am attending a high level meeting, taking notes and developing a draft set of minutes--but they are due the very next morning.  STRESS.  I think I did okay, though.

I'm also attending as series of meetings for the Dept of Education and eventually writing a report for them.  That will start next week, so actually, next week I'll be working two whole days.  It seems the money is rolling in.

It is also rolling OUT.  The Silver Tongued Latin Lover and I are working on a new garden and patio.  I've spent many hours this past week re-potting my current outdoor plants, digging up English ivy, and laying out what I hope will become an English garden in the plot of land next to our house.  It's not our property, but our home owners association is allowing me to cultivate it.  So as much money as I make from these jobs, it is being plowed (literally) back into the garden.  Pictures will follow soon.

The Latin Lover is building a brick wall, which will feature two windows with window boxes for flowers.  He is installing a brick patio, lights and two fountains.  This building of the Taj Mahal has been going on for about five months, but now that the weather is good, it should go much faster.

Becca's Briefs - Washington Post, April 11

John Kelly's Washington  Each year Kelly runs a week of squirrel articles.  Lovers and haters of our squirrely neighbors contribute. 

Today's was just priceless.  He reports that Kelly Foxton of Boca Raton, FL runs a company that features her pet Squirrel, Sugar Bush.   She makes her living dressing Sugar Bush in various costumes and posing him/her in various settings that are featured in the news....Fidel Castro in his sick bed, Yasser Arafat in kaffiyeh headdress, Benazir Bhutto in hijab in front of the Pakistani flag....Her latest effort is the life of Jesus.  

Says Mrs. Foxton, however, it is not always easy.  "It's very difficult to work with a squirrel (don't I know!)"  Actually getting a squirrel to climb up a hill with a cross on her shoulder is not easy."  Try working at the Pentagon!

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