Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 200 - Retirement is a great time to ruminate

It has actually been 203 days, but I was so busy I didn't get to this post AND when you are retired days just don't count like they used to.  I've been ruminating over a number of topics recently.  So I suppose this is as good a time as any to disclose my ruminations

Health Care.  How is it that we live in such a rich country, yet a friend's adult son is suffering with what may be terminal cancer and is without health insurance because he changed jobs?  Might he have been saved if he had not waited until his new insurance kicked in?  Would his children and wife at least not be left penniless?

War.  How is it that we can go to war over un-found weapons of mass destruction, kill and maim thousands of American young people, yet all our leaders can do is argue over "Obamacare" and taxes on billionaires?

Concert Tickets.  Why can't the average person (me) buy tickets to a concert at the published rate?  With all of these safeguards - you know what I mean -- the symbols you've got to type in to prove you are a person, how do these ticket sellers get ALL of the good seats withing 26 minutes of them going on sale?

Sequestration.  How much money and productivity have already been lost trying to prepare for sequestration?   How much money and productivity of the federal workforce has been lost trying to address the dysfunction of Congress?

Home Repair Projects.  When will I ever learn to multiply by at least FIVE when estimating how long it takes to make home repairs?  How can a small 6 feet by three feet powder room take two weeks to repair walls and paint?

How is it that I have been so fortunate in my life to have the time for these ruminations, the money to buy concert tickets, health insurance and a home to repair.  Retirement is great.

If they don't start treating you better, old work friends, run the numbers.  I'll bet you can join me.  Come on in, the water is great! 

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