Friday, April 12, 2013

Elder Care - Great new discovery

Elder Care.  If you are lucky enough to have your parents around when you retire, elder care will be one of the activities that will keep you busy.  In my case, each trip home starts with a day of sadness and crying, but so far, ends with feeling happy that I've was there.  Each time I feel like I dodged the bullet.

I am lucky.  Both parents still living, and in pretty good shape.  But like many of you will find out, both are a bit less able to handle some aspects of their lives.  For mom, it is organizing and taking the appropriate medication at the appropriate time.  For the past many months, my nephew has been my eyes and ears, but as he gets busier with college, I am worried.

So, if you've not heard about this great FREE service, I've got to spread the word.  Walgreen's Pharmacy has teamed up with a company called DailyMed to provide medication pre-packaged  by the day, date and time it is to be taken. I just signed my mom up for this.  DailyMed liaisons with my mom's physicians and insurance, gets the prescriptions, and packages each day's dosages in small pouches that come to my mom in a box.  The pouches pull out from the box like wax paper.  Each is labeled with the day, date and time of day to take them (e.g., morning, noon, evening).  If something changes, we call the company and alert them.  They even package up her aspirin and any vitamins, too.  If this works (and I'll be posting about it), it will be a god save!  

Becca's Briefs

My friends at the Post comic section didn't let me down.  Two good laughs for today.

In regard to my little contracting jobs, this cartoon says it all.  You will weep when you pay your taxes! my lost youth.  It's so true.  Thriller.

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